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Something for the Soul: A gift of compassion

I have this habit of saving letters and the other day I came across a precious one touching my heart resulting in tears. I would like to share it with you because I hope all loving families can relate to it.

Something for the Soul: What makes God smile? – You

There is something deeply sacred about every single person. If we become blind to this, we end up treating people as if they were disposable objects and turn this beautiful world of ours into a wasteland.

Something for the Soul: Working at marriage – An encounter I’ll never forget

By Winnie Bolton Ask any married couple and they’ll agree marriage is hard work. There are compromises, communication challenges and never-ending responsibilities – especially when children are involved. Yet in our society where almost half of all marriages end in divorce, it seems as if the work isn’t getting done. If a marriage is going to be fulfilling, it has […]

Exemplary behavior: Role models teach by their actions

What’s a role model and what’s its significance in today’s world?

When speaking about the young in our society it’s a term some throw around lightly, yet its observance and potential holds the key to the formation of a child’s character.