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Lazy days of summer bring relaxation time – for parents

I know this is the time of year when kids are twitterpated about the end of the school year.

They think it’s great that they won’t have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to be at school on time, get to all of their sports and drama practices on time and get to all of the other activities on time.

Well, I’m here to tell you, they don’t know the half of it. Who got them out of bed in the middle of the night? Who got them to school on time? Who got them to all of their sports and drama practices?

Oops, I left out piano practices.

If you guessed that it was mom and dad, you were right. In our house, no one celebrates the end of the school year like the Sampson Wake Up and Taxi Service. As sole proprietors, my wife and I will get a chance to park the mini-van and take the summer off.

Father Tim: Dreams take wing

There was a time when airplanes represented more than transportation. They embodied a new world of flight and, for both pilot and passengers, freedom. Airplanes were time machines, crossing continents and even oceans in a matter of a few hours. It is 1927, and 12-year-old Leo Sander Jr. has run away from his family’s Tillamook, Ore., farm for the afternoon’s air race. The oldest of Leo Sr. and Theresa Sander’s 11 children, he has climbed the highest hill above the Wilson River and is sitting there, waiting.

A Grin at the End: My prognostication powers petered out

  By Carl Sampson I think it’s about time for me to hang up the old crystal ball. My days as a prognosticator are over. Of course, it was a great — albeit short — run, but all good things must come to an end. My career as a seer of the future got under way last spring when, sitting […]

A Grin at the End: Is anybody out there listening?

So, who did you vote for? Was it Barack Obiden or John McPalin? I have to say, I was tempted to withhold my vote this year. Either that, or I should have voted for my cat, Eddy. At least I expect him to ignore me.

A Grin at the End: Mrs. Palin tries for Washington

By Carl Sampson I know what you’re thinking. How did I know John McCain would pick Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate? Well, one thing is for sure. I didn’t have any inside knowledge about the McCain campaign. In fact, I didn’t have any outside knowledge. All I know is I’m tired of big talkers. You see, Oregon […]

A Grin at the End: Oh, what a tangled Web we’ve woven

By Carl Sampson When Al Gore invented the Internet, he undoubtedly had a vision of an information highway that would wend its way around the world, placing all sorts of important and enlightening information at our fingertips. Instead, the Internet is destroying civilization as we know it. I shall explain. Instead of broadening the flow of information to the average […]