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Silverton’s ambassador: Palmer receives state chamber award

Silverton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stacy Palmer was named Executive of the Year for 2015 by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.
Silverton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stacy Palmer was named Executive of the Year for 2015 by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.

By Kristine Thomas

To garner an understanding of how humble Stacy Palmer is, let’s start with the fact she had absolutely no clue she was about to receive the Oregon State Chamber Executive Director of the Year award on Oct. 29 at The Oregon Garden.

She didn’t hear the giggling, the quiet banter or even loud whispering of about 50 friends and family standing in the hallway outside the banquet hall where she was attending the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce awards banquet.

She was worried about a friend. She thought the 2015 award was for Keizer Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Christine Dieker, who had stepped out of the room. “I kept hoping she would return quickly,” Palmer said.

It wasn’t until Redmond Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Eric Sande announced her name that she realized she was being honored. When she saw her fans cheering for her in the back of the room, she was overwelmed. The long hours as the chamber’s executive director for 15 years, the hard work had meant something.

“It’s very humbling to receive the award,” Palmer said. “Not only does the award recognize me but it honors all the board members who have served the last 15 years, all the people who have served on various chamber committees and all the community members who have supported the chamber.”

A friend and former chamber board president, Nicole Kay orchestrated the surprise for Palmer and coordinated the 45-letters sent in with Palmer’s nomination. The letters came from community members and business leaders, both locally and around the state. Kay’s letter shared how Palmer’s involvement in Silverton extends far beyond chamber business and how she lends a hand whenever and wherever needed. Palmer said the letters are what she treasures the most.

Travel Oregon CEO Todd Davidson wrote “Stacy epitomizes the heart and soul of her community for residents and visitors from across the country and around the world and her calm demeanor, focused intellect and affable personality make her a sought out and valued addition to any endeavor.”

Silverton Mayor Rick Lewis said the relationship between city government and the chamber of commerce is one of the most important any city can have.

“Stacy clearly cares a great deal about Silverton and it has consistently been reflected in her work as our chamber director,” Lewis said. “Her award was well-deserved and I can think of no better ambassador in our community than Stacy.  She always promotes Silverton – when she is working and even when she is on her own time.  Silverton is near and dear to her heart.”

Chamber board member Dixon Bledsoe said Palmer always knows what is working around the state for chambers and always seems to be on the cutting edge.

“She doesn’t get enough credit,” Bledsoe said. “Silverton is visible on the state and national front, a nice place to visit for tourists, and exudes charm. Much of the credit is attributed to Stacy and her leadership skills.”

Chamber Board President Josiah Kelley said Palmer deserves thr award not only for her “tireless hours and never ending schedule of meetings to attend, not to mention greeting visitors to our town through the visitor center, but for the spirit in which she does all of this.”

At the chamber conference, Palmer was also installed as the state president of the association.

“Her additional role in the state chamber of commerce goes unannounced to most, but spotlights our community on a bigger stage,” Kelley said.  “Stacy pursues greatness for Silverton. Most of the time her reward is in the journey on the road towards more visitors, more commerce, new businesses. Today, we all got a moment to applaud and say thank you for jobs well done.”

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