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The Forum: Mt. Angel City Council deserves trust and support

To the Editor:

Mt. Angel’s City Council, old and new, was elected by the majority vote of the citizens and (or) appointed by majority of the city council.

I believe in them and trust them to make decisions for the best of our whole community — not just a few.

Why is it that a small group is having a hard time accepting that the city council made a decision and we all need to abide by it? Who is behind the campaign to discredit our elected officials and why?

(Former City Administrator Jim) Hunt’s contract states it is “at will” as Mayor (Tom) Bauman, (Councilor) Shari Riedman and others stated in 2008 (council) meeting minutes.

Hunt’s at-will contract said the city council can terminate him at any time, for a reason or no reason at all.  I do not know how much plainer that can be said.

It has been suggested that the termination of Mr. Hunt is because the city council cannot see eye-to-eye and did not get along with him.  To say that this is the only reason is an insult to the city council.

I have no doubt there is much more information regarding Mr. Hunt’s termination. If it cannot be discussed for legal or personal reasons, accept it and move on.

What I do know and do not understand is why Mr. Hunt received a salary increase of $221.88 a month in July and in November received another increase of $295.58 a month – a total of $517.46.

The City Charter states “Salaries. The Compensation for the services for each City officer and employee shall be the amount fixed by the Council.”

Why did the city council not vote on this second salary increase? Why was this not brought up at a council meeting? Did Bauman feel that was in the best interest of the city?

Who stands to make money off any suit that might be filed? How much more money does this need to cost the city?

For the few that do not see eye to eye with our city council, please set aside your personal feelings and let Mayor Rick Schiedler and the city council do that job to which they were elected. Our mayor and city council are long-time residents and genuinely care for our community.

I encourage everyone to not spread hurtful gossip and rumors. Go to the source and ask for the truth.

Let’s stop adding to the problem and become part of the solution to help our community get on with the work that needs to be done.

Marla Boen
Mt. Angel

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