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The Forum: Farmers’ market summit – Time to open a new umbrella

By Gus Frederick

Change, a wise-guy once said, is inevitable.

Traditions are born, grow and then often change to fit new situations and new circumstances.

The recent unilateral decision to “relocate” Homer Davenport Days (from the first weekend in August to third weekend in July) is a case in point.

However, in the turmoil created, new opportunities arise.

The weekend starting the first Friday in August has long been a traditional time for numerous groups to come together under the umbrella of a traditional small town celebration.

Over the last 30 years, that umbrella has been held by Homer Davenport Days, the organization.

However, moving the umbrella does not mean that those under it want to move. Some traditions are older than others!

As a result, many of those other groups have opted to remain on the First Friday weekend in August.

Which has spawned a host of suggestions, plans and schemes to replace the umbrella with a new bumbershoot.

So allow me to throw out yet another concept to add into the mix:

The last several years has seen a dramatic increase in small community Farmers’ Markets. Not just in Silverton but throughout Oregon and the nation.

As these markets have grown, they have become integrated into the community as well as culture.

In the coming years, these sorts of services will not only be important, they may well become essential.

How about a Festival of Food then? Perhaps focused around a “Farmers’ Market Summit,” where we contact the many other Farmers’ Markets around the area, and they become the vendors for the weekend.

Imagine our beautiful tree-lined trails throughout the park hosting a huge massive regional Farmers’ Market!

The usual events such as Lions’ Breakfast, Cruise-In and Fun Run all could fit nicely under this new umbrella.

Our local food and drink providers, both wholesale and retail could benefit by showing and sampling their wares. Those service clubs that remain could likewise continue their own traditional activities, as these also revolve around food for the most part!

Health and wellness groups like our own Silverton Area Comunity Aid, Silverton Hospital and the newly developing Silverton Community Garden group could likewise benefit by participation. As well as the many local agricultural endeavors and of course the Oregon Garden itself.

As far as I know, there has never been any sort of large regional Farmers’ Market.

There is an Oregon Farmers’ Market Association, as well as an annual conference, Feb. 25 in Corvallis.

Maybe a delegation from Silverton could attend…?

This I feel could be a golden opportunity to open a new umbrella and maybe grow a new tradition! Something unique, new and different! In other words, the Silverton approach!

Interested in pursuing this idea to make it a reality? Contact Gus at gus[at]2020oregon.net.

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