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Something for the Soul: Give time – It’s priceless and precious

Winnie BoltonBy Winnie Bolton

Too many people either don’t know how to share with others or they don’t care to share what they can share.

Simply put, good people allow indifference, apathy or ignorance to take the precedence over their freedom to positively respond to others.

Is it really heads in the clouds or just insensibility?

About 10 years ago, Gen. Colin Powell held a summit on volunteerism, hoping to make service to others a part of one’s lifestyle starting with the youth of our country.

He believes the younger altruism starts, the healthier nation we’ll have.

The spirit of generosity is unfortunately getting to be a lost art in our country.

Within our communities, helping hands, minds and hearts are needed in our schools, churches, hospitals, nursing and juvenile homes.

You name it.

If you have time to give, there is someplace that will welcome you regardless if you have a lot of time or just a little.

Unlike an illness, apathy is self-induced and can be remedied.

The answer is not in a bottle, a pill or a visit to the doctor.

The answer is being involved.

Share your talents and pick a project.

Everybody has something to give, a smile, a kind word for a troubled person, food and clothing or their time. One concern I have is for the American Red Cross.

I have a real problem knowing how badly pints of blood are need and how few people are willing to donate their blood.

At least 1,000 pints of blood are required daily by the American Red Cross to serve Oregonians in need.
Next time you hear a siren in town or see an ambulance rushing to the scene of an accident, don’t just say a prayer although prayers can be a powerful and always needed.

Do something, if at all possible, help another person whom you may never meet to thank you for your gift of blood.

There is no pharmaceutical company that can fill that need. It comes from caring and generous hearts. Donors are the real unsung heroes and heroines with no money involved and it’s easy to give. Just find the time to lie down and relax.

Look for the next blood drive in your school, church or community center and sign-up.
Being challenged is what makes life sweeter and healthier for everyone.

We all have so much to give of ourselves to others in numerous ways.

Pick one way and go for it.

I promise it will bring you nothing but happiness.

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