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Local robot whizzes Zane Davis and Derek Schaefer 

Robotics team heads to Texas  

Local robot whizzes Zane Davis and Derek Schaefer  Robotics team heads to Texas   The two members of the Thunderbolt Robotics Club have been invited to an international competition and are currently raising money to pay their expenses. Middle-schoolers Zane Davis and Derek Schaefer received a design award at the Oregon state tournament, while also pulling down several awards at […]

Local robotics standouts advance to international event

Two members of the Think Robots Club will be moving on to international competition in Dallas, Texas, next month. An elementary school team of Derek Schaefer and Zane Davis named the Splitbotters qualified for the May 2-4 event. The Splitbotters qualified with their performance at an Oregon qualifying event that Think Robots Club hosted March 4 at Butte Creek Elementary […]