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Native pocket gopher naturally thinning camas -- courtesy of Stephanie Hazen

Your Garden: Gardening with Nature, not against it

By Melissa Wagoner Fighting off invasive pests – those insects, weeds and animals that aren’t a part of a gardener’s original plan – can turn a beautiful garden into a war zone filled with toxic chemicals. But it doesn’t have to be that way. “As a head gardener it is my responsibility to focus on IPM, integrated pest management, which […]

A jolly heirloom: Retro Santa returns to Silverton

A piece of Christmas past is coming home to downtown Silverton in the form of a six-foot, four-inch plywood Santa Claus cut-out mural. Painted in the mid-1950s, the Santa originally adorned the top of the Legard and Son 76 Station – now Stamen and Pistil – and was painted by Silvertonian Chuck Leonard. “Chuck painted similar Christmas displays for himself, […]

Victory gardens: A revival

By Melissa Wagoner “Uncle Sam says – garden to cut food costs,” proclaimed a victory garden advertisement printed by the US Department of Agriculture in 1917. Used to take pressure off of the food supply during World War I and II, these home and public gardens are a trend that is fashionable once again, but for somewhat different reasons. “Grow […]