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Your Garden: A handy web tool to identify, learn about plants

By Diane Hyde, OSU Master Gardener Wondering what plants to add to your garden landscape?  There is an Oregon State University Botany and Plant Pathology website (and books) that lists all known Oregon plants. It is tied into the herbarium at OSU and herbarium across the nation to provide complete information about plants in an easy-to-search format: oregonflora.org. There is […]

Your Garden: How Climate Change… Impacts a garden

By Diane Hyde, OSU Master Gardener “Why hasn’t my tree recovered from last year’s heat wave?” For some damaged or traumatized trees and shrubs is takes years to die, just like a neglected cactus plant.  Our plant hardiness zones have changed. Our minimum extreme temperatures have risen over the last 30-year average.  There are not many studies to determine heat […]