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Update: Failing pieces – Unexpected repairs impact budget, emergencies threaten safety

Editor’s note: Our Town is presenting a school-by-school review of the facility challenges at each building covered by the Silver Falls School District bond proposal on the Nov. 7 ballot. For previous stories go to ourtownlive.com.  By Stephen Floyd Mark Twain and Robert Frost elementary schools both recently had extreme examples of building failures during the start of a school […]

It’s almost impossible to see the oak trees for the ivy in the grove near the Silverton Skatepark. Volunteers will be removing ivy from the trees on Oct. 7 as part of OAKtober celebrations in town. James Day

OAKtober – Silverton set to celebrate, save, oaks

By James Day Silverton is celebrating the venerable oak tree during September and October, or OAKtober, as Sustainable Silverton organizers are calling it. “OAKtober is a month-long celebration of oak trees in Silverton, of their history and what they do for us, and how we can help them, so we have them to enjoy now and in the future,” noted […]

School facilities plan: A warning against investing in old schools

Stacks of documents with hundreds of pages describing the conditions of the buildings in the Silver Falls School District have been whittled down to two documents – one by the district’s Facilities Master Plan Committee with four pages and the other by Randal Saunders, an architect from Woodburn, with eight pages.

Both documents will serve as guidelines for Silver Falls School Board members to make decisions in the future for its facilities, such as the fate of Eugene Field School, what’s to be done with Schlador Street high school campus after the completion of the Pine Street campus and where the district office should be located.