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Closing time – Silverton’s Palace Theatre shuts down (again)

By James Day The iconic Palace Theatre (spelled “Theater” in recent years) in Silverton has shut down and its future is up in the air. Erik and Rachelle Gonterman, who have operated the theater since 2020, are engaged in an acrimonious dispute with the landlord, Marjorie Eng, and when their contractual obligation to show Avatar: The Way of Water ended […]

A Grin at the End: Algorithm monster – Pushing us to the edge on purpose

For six hours last month we were all safe. Safe from misinformation, safe from ads targeted at us. Safe from posts that were only there because someone paid for them. Facebook and Instagram were offline. How this happened is anyone’s guess. Facebook said the “configuration” got out of whack. That is IT talk for “I don’t know.” Someone at headquarters […]

Communication explanation: To text or twitter, that is the question

To borrow a phrase from the upcoming Northwest Travel Writer’s Conference, it is a Blackberry, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, iPhone world. If you still cling to fond memories of the old party-line telephone, you may not be ready for it. If you have already discovered any of these ways to communicate with friends, family and business associates, you are already on board. If you are not quite sure what the terms mean, read on.