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We can make a difference

We are asking for your ideas at this upcoming Community Forum on how you already reduce plastics, recycle materials, purchase less toxic products, store foods, save on water, reduce individual use of fossil fuels, and more. Please attend this forum and share short examples, not exceeding two minutes, to ensure time for everyone. Let’s collaborate in this movement towards a safer and healthier environment.

All of us are making changes as we become more conscious regarding this necessity, but think of the things we could do had we more information! The forum’s goals are to collaborate as citizens and help make our environment and community safe and livable for ourselves and our children’s children.

For example, did you know that over the last few years Sustainable Silverton has formed out of concern by citizens about the city’s long-term sustainable resources. They researched what other smaller cities like Corvallis and Hood River had planned and developed a similar plan specific to the City of Silverton. It was voted into practice by the City Council last August.

We know that it is becoming increasingly critical to our environment that we act responsibly as individuals in our own homes and communities.

The recent Climate Strike is another example. Last month in Silverton, concerned citizens joined together to say “Yes! Our environment is extremely important!” Each of us must work towards improving it as individuals, and in community.

If Earth Day was saying, “there’s smoke in the House,” we are now saying, “The House is on Fire!” We may not see Silverton on fire, but look around. We have to acknowledge our world in 2019 and realize we must be proactive.

Earth Day, starting in the 1970s, has been a tremendous and positive push in this same direction, has influenced children and adults alike to be more involved in their environment. They have worked to raise awareness that we must give our young people quality air, water and food, less pollutants, the ability to raise their children in a non-toxic environment. Now we have more informed youth who are essential in making a difference.

Let’s make that difference!

– Kelley Morehouse

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