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Man About Town: How about that award?

Attention all zombies (and you know who you are). Don’t miss the second annual “Thriller in the Streets” dance in Silverton on Halloween night. Contact Marta Stovin at 503-873-0464 for info and mandatory rehearsal times.

It is time to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Silverton’s venerable Coolidge & McClaine Park. Hmmm, the park is made up of trees, dirt and Silver Creek, all of which The Man suspects have been there way longer than that.

Developers can have a reputation for being greedy so-and-so’s but long- time Salem builder and property owner Larry Epping has given Silverton 40 acres in Pioneer Village to be used as a neighborhood park.

Hey, what’s that music I hear? Why that sounds like another installment of the ever popular The Man’s Business musical chairs…….Jodi and Brent Owens have replaced Judy Mahoney as the new management team of The Silverton Inn and Suites and the former Fratello’s and Bella’s restaurant space will soon be re-opened as Lisa’s on Water St. Jay and Trish Sorgen were not able to get any concrete offers for their Silver Creek Statuary so it will close and Trish will take over as the manager of the Nature Store up at Silver Falls Park. Up the hill at The Oregon Garden, Lynda Gill and Deb Harroun have moved on and former development director Jackie Franke has become the new, you guessed it, development director and Christine Bradbury slots into the resort general manager position –  Beth Wilson takes over the membership and volunteers role. For those interested in the ink, Donny Robison’s Art Parlor Tattoos has opened. (The Man is all about the tats but I have them use invisible ink), contrary to what has previously been reported, Empyre Tattoo continues to serve the ink community…. as the music fades out……

The Benedictine Sisters will announce the winner of a 2008 Honda Civic on Nov. 1. With only 1,200 chances  sold, The Man says your odds are pretty good to win a car that has only been used for late night runs to the mini-mart for chips and beer.

It’s Baaack! – after a year’s hiatus, The Silverton Chamber has announced that the Silverton Shop Hop is set for Dec. 1 – 15. Shoppers are given a map listing all participating merchants and if you visit and get a stamp from a minimum number of these merchants you become eligible for the prize drawings. Watch Our Town for your copy of the map and get hopping.

Drat! It seems that that Obama feller has beaten out The Man again. This time it is for the Nobel Peace Prize that I was sure to have sewn up. Heck, I even had one of those “Visualize Whirled Peas” bumper stickers at one point – isn’t that enough? I always assumed that there was some high falutin’ international panel of scholars that chose the Nobel winners but now I find out that the committee is made up of five Norwegians. What, five dudes named Sven? Who died and named them the peace sheriff of the world? No dis-respect to any Norwegians (right Keith?) but when was the last time you heard Norway step up on the global stage and do any of the heavy lifting? Their foreign policy seems to consist of “if we just sit quietly over here maybe nobody will notice – Shusss, be quiet, be very, very quiet.” Now, If I want advice about snow or lutefisk recipes, I’ll call – otherwise……..oh, never mind, The Man should be a shoe-in for the Nobel prize for literature. Of course it’s probably awarded by five rap stars named Busta Rymes…….Word up, G……

Man About Town is a collection of hearsay, rumors and the occasional fact.  If you’ve got a tip, call The Man.

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