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People Out Loud: Oh, no, yes – Valentine’s Day advice

DixonBy Dixon Bledsoe

Depending on whom you ask, Valentine’s Day is wonderful, terrible, just another day, romantic, pathetic or loving. I asked a lot of people the worst thing their significant other did on Valentine’s Day and what makes the day special for them.

Molly and Alex Newman are expecting their fourth child (first boy) in March. Molly had some great advice for men for Valentine’s Day. “Never assume flowers and a card are all you need to do. I’m more into the gestures and romantic/loving comments during the day, reminding me with his own words and actions why he loves me.” She adds with a laugh, “Oh yeah. He is buying me my dream house so that works, too.”

Staci McIntire has other ideas. “Dinner reservations are nice. It shows that he thought of it in advance and not at the last minute. Flowers and balloons at work, handwritten cards and love notes. Those are nice. But wrong? Forgetting to do something special, acting like it shouldn’t be a holiday, or taking me to McDonald’s for dinner.” Austin – You’re welcome.

Hilary Dumitrescu remembers Valentine’s Day with her dad. “He made silly little cards for me, which spoiled me a bit for all future guys in my life. I told my husband, Val, that he could forget my birthday and even Christmas, but there’ll be hell to pay if he screwed up Valentine’s Day. He never fails to write me a sweet note.”

John Parenteau, who with wife Maggie Jones owns Grub Courier and Bigfoot Robot together, recalls growing up with his childhood sweetheart at Silver Crest school. “I got my first kiss in the sixth grade and we even went to the prom together. We parted ways but ran into each other five years ago and fell in love again. The best of Valentine’s Day? I had a crush on her at Silver Crest and would bring her a box of chocolate every Valentine’s Day. Each year the box got bigger. She didn’t seem to mind.”

Bretney Endicott is a little more succinct than most respondents. “Worst Valentine’s gift? Stuffed animals or flowers. The best? Take out dinner!”

Steve Yoder said the worst thing he did for his sweetheart was give her a bouquet of flowers. “Best thing? Half a rack of Beck’s beer.  Any more than half a rack and she might not be able to get dinner on the table and I need my dinner. After all, Valentine’s Day isn’t just for women.”

Melanie Huebsch “went to Jared” for her gift. Ok, I just worked that one in since her husband’s name is Jared. But a tip for her main man? “Give mom a day to herself. Not a spa day, just a day at home by herself.”

Meredith Branstetter-Wertz and her husband don’t exchange gifts. “We just enjoy each other’s company. The best things can’t be bought. It is done by action and not just one day a year but every day.”

Dana Smith isn’t a fan of Cupid’s day. “I always felt it was a holiday invented by Hallmark. All I really want is adventurous times with my loved ones.” Feeling adventurous, Victor?

Karrie Douglas says simply, “Worst gift? Any kitchen appliance. Best gift? Dinner with the love of my life.”

Lisa Joyce said she can share the worst gift she received from husband Curt Shaw because he probably won’t read this. “Worst gift?  A leaf blower. It was red, and I do enjoy leaf blowers. But in terms of romance? Not too inspiring. “

Jason Bricker, Silverton’s motorcycle police officer, says the best Valentine’s gifts “are materials for building that one thing she’s been wanting you to make her forever, especially if it’s something you personally don’t care for.”

Aylene Geringer, owner of the Chocolate Box, advises people, to order items such as flowers, chocolate covered strawberries  gift certificates a day of beauty in advance. “It demonstrates that they are putting some thought into what would make their loved one happy. If they buy chocolates and champagne from The Chocolate Box as a last minute gift, I’m good with that.”

For me? The worst gift I gave my wife of 33 years, Lisa, on Valentine’s Day? I may have given her some stretch-o-matic lounge wear after the birth of our daughter, Briana, and told her she looked beautiful in it. I thought it was heartfelt. I’m not sure she agreed.

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