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Man About Town: Debate this…

The Man for Prez!
By Jim Kinghorn

The Man has gotta ask…is there anyone left out there that wants either Gordon Smith or Jeff Merkley to be our senator?…Didn’t think so…

Silverton Hospital recently announced plans to expand its emergency room so you can feel free to injure yourself more often.

Also in news from the hill, did you know  there as many as 180 babies a month being born in the birthing center…180 a month…think about that…The Man is available to explain what causes this if anyone is unclear…

Bobbie and Scott Hancock have opened the Birdwood Inn B&B at 511 S. Water St. in Silverton. For information, call 503-873-3247

The Silverton-based Oregon Association of Water Utilities’ trade publication, H2Oregon, has been named magazine of the year by the National Rural Water Association. The Man says congrats to OAWU Executive Director Jason Green and his crew. That magazine must be produced by some really talented folks, plus a publishing company that strives for and attains perfection. A group that is not only more intelligent but also better looking than any other publisher of newspapers, visitors guides and trade publications…Nope, I can’t figure out who that would be either…

An underwear shop in Silverton?!? The Man says it seems Victoria is not the only one with a secret…

Long-time local realtoress, Ginni Stensland was recently chosen Realtor of the Year by the North Willamette Association of Realtors. The Man says way to go Ginni!

The new C Street traffic signals are scheduled to go live in the next two weeks for your stop-and-go enjoyment. The Man reminds you that if you drive over the new concrete median (judging from the tire marks, many of you have) to turn left, there may be a hefty ticket waiting for you on the other side. Paul Nida says there should be spikes installed on the top of the median and if ODOT can’t afford them, maybe they could be sponsored by Les Schwab.

Tootsies Shoes, Cat Bridge Farms and The General Store are all in the process of celebrating their “Grand Closings.” Tootsies is due to medical issues in the family but if The Man didn’t know better, one might think the economy is having some “difficulties.” 

If you have been watching the presidential debates, The Man is sure you would agree they have been BOOORING. (They said that Me and Double D were invited but that our invitation must have “gotten lost in the mail.”) Geez, what a snoozefest, those two guys falling all over themselves in a battle to tell you whatever it is you want to hear. If The Man was part of the debate, I would just sit back and watch those yahoos go after each other and then, James Stockdale like, look right into the camera and ask the peeps “is this the best that we can do?” Bingo, game over, it’s off to the oval orifice. Or can you imagine Joe Biden saying something nasty to Dennis Downey and Dennis running over and yanking up ‘ol Joe’s underwear in a vice presidential sized wedgie on national TV? Now that would be entertaining… You see, what they don’t understand is most of us want to led but what we really want is to be entertained. Don’t believe me? During all the great turmoil that we are going through, in the middle of a serious crisis, while we are all picking out our hand baskets, the #1 movie in our great country is about a…talking…Chihuahua… in…Beverly Hills. 

Remember, vote early and often.


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