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The Old Curmudgeon: Great week – Senior Center discoveries matched by downtown delights

The Old CurmudgeonBy Vern Holmquist

Silverton, thank you, thank you, I had a great week.

I had made it a point to go to the Silverton Senior Center every day of the week. Oh, I’m well aware of this beautiful facility – I had delivered Meals on Wheels for years – but having given up my car, I thought it a difficult chore to get up the hill on my scooter. At least that was the excuse I was using. I was well aware of the Silverton Trolley, had their number right in front of me, I just never got around  to calling for a ride.

So Monday the trolley picked me up, gave me a nice little tour of the city on the way and I ended up ready for lunch. It’s different than eating in a restaurant. Here they love you, introduce you to the other guests and treat you with respect.

Then, it was off to discover what else the center has to offer.  There were men playing poker and both ladies – and me – playing Pinockle.  Ladies were knitting, whoops, this carried me back to a little naughty verse of the WWII era:

Twinkle, twinkle little star 

went a riding in a car

what she did she’s not admittin’

but what she’s knittin’ ain’t for Britian

(Just memories, folks.)

Plagued with something that should carry a mental health warning, I was very happy to learn I can get very professional smart phone instruction from Breanna Weston representing her firm Digital Native (the name implying you should be born with one in your mouth to really understand it). The work of local artists, changing every month, is displayed, this month, wood carvings. Seniors, need to exercise? Join the group at the center. And you can get some good advise for your retirement. Plus, they put together great sightseeing tours, casino nights and dance nights with live music.

Then on Saturday came the Sidewalk Shindig. Another very successful event. Music and goodies all around the downtown district, music from hoedown to lowdown to foreign culture to true Jazz.  I sat and listened to a harp duo, beautiful and a sound you don’t hear every day, and while listening I devoured a big delicious pulled pork sandwich provided by the Towne House. Pete, Fester,and Bob and friends were also there providing country tunes you can sing along to.

Brad Hirsch was found playing his melodic steel pan drums at the Creekside Grill and The Rhythm Culture Reggae Band at Larsen-Flynn Insurance, the laughing smile on the drummers face was worth the trip. The Next of Kin band was playing at the Silver Creek Coffee House, Marla singing with the perfect voice for those Hit Parade winners of yesteryear, Ah! There was romance in the air.   I just could not get around to listen to all  that was offered, others may have been your favorites. Lawrence, Gregg and Greg and Ron with help from others, you’ve done it again, thanks for another great day, with proof we love our town.

All was not a big success, however. The waltz lessons given by this old club foot fell short. With only a couple of couples showing up,  my hopes of slowing down our world to ¾ time were dashed. Not all was lost, however. I met a most charming couple somewhat new and not yet involved in the social life of our area, who wanted to learn. It only took a few minutes and the the most rewarding smiles appeared on their faces. They were waltzing, they felt it, they loved it and pledged they would practice at home. I had my reward.  My thanks to Glen and Mac’s Place for his help and ballroom floor.  My evening ended at Hinsdale’s Wine Bistro listening to musicians who did not want the night to end.

Now how this couid be a secret after the many years it has been going on I don’t know, but I’ll let you in on it.  On every other Sunday night starting about 7:00 a group of the areas finest musicians gather in a jam session at Mac’s Place. This is jazz pure jazz, pure improvision. It may not be your cup of tea, and I warn you it may sound a little loud, but if you can appreciate the dedication these musicians demonstrate to the art you will find it a rewarding experience. Call Mac’s to be sure it’s the right Sunday.  If you enjoyed Jon Deshler and his jazz passages at The Gathering Place you may find him jaming at Mac’s.

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