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The Old Curmudgeon: Cure for what ails us – Shall we dance?

The Old CurmudgeonBy Vern Holmquist

Our economy is bothering me, still a lot of unemployed and failing businesses, our President has had a rough time getting projects through our do-nothing Congress. Money is more and more piling up in the pockets of the ultra rich. I’m afraid that if something is not done to redistribute the great wealth of our world we will have a revolution like nothing we have seen before.

Now, before some of you get your anger up, I want to make it clear I am not talking about taking more from successful business people, farmers, builders who may have made a few million. We are taking too much now. I’m referring to those very few who have accumulated wealth beyond what you and I can even visualize – multi-billions, even trillions of dollars. It has been reported that one family holds half of the wealth of the entire world, some 500 trillion dollars. I can’t think how many zeros are in that bundle, and they still only wear one pair of pants at a time. I wish I had said it first: “Money is like manure, spread around it helps a lot of things grow, kept in a big pile it stinks.”

And now we see the war clouds gathering steam in the
Mid-East. The ultra wealthy will increase their fortunes by loaning the money to one country to carry on a war and at the same time loan money to the other side to keep the killing going on for great profit. As the proud nation that we are, it is difficult to turn our back on those who face what appears to be genocide, so we will send aid, not food, but expensive aid like the weapons of war. America’s middle class will be asked to pay for it and the rich will get richer. So, here we go round the mulberry bush, here we go round the mulberry bush and on…  as has been said before.

Wouldn’t it be the time to slow down our world a bit? Instead of beating ourselves up in 4/4 time it may be a good moment to try 3/4 time. Let’s teach the world to waltz again.

The waltz is the easiest dance to learn and the most romantic of our social dances. It’s as easy as 1-2-3, step-slide-step, 1-2-3. Now this means that the one leading, usually a male, holds the partner gently but firmly in his arms to guide the way. He must learn to give the right signals so the lady can follow, 1-2-3… I, for one, am tired of seeing ladies jerked around by men who think they are doing some sort of fertility ritual.

The waltz idea seems to be catching on., especially with the ladies. Demonstrations are scheduled for the big Silverton Sidewalk Shindig Oct. 4. Ladies, teach your man to waltz. Prove to others he was not born with two left feet. I plan to be one of the teachers. Ah, romance is in the air!

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