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The Man About Town: Any Wurst? Why, yes it can be

By Jim Kinhorn
Now that it appears we have survived Snowpocalypseohmygodwereallgonnadiemageddon of 2014,  The Man throws a shout out to all the kind souls that offered rides, loaned sleds, shoveled snow and generally looked after their neighbors during the storm. You folks (and you know who you are) are what makes Our Town great.

Hey parents, are the kids stressing you out? Silverton Together wants to help parents regain control, experience more fun and less stress with a workshop on Feb. 22. Call 503-873-0405 to register.

Last month in this fine example of journalistic excellence it was mentioned Hand Me Downs Childrens Clothing Store on South Water was closing and that was true… at the time. It turns out that new owner Heather Yates was able to put together a deal and keep the business open in Silverton. The Man sez stop by and wish her well…

Did you see the news story about the “90 highly flatulent” cows that produced so much methane gas that a spark caused an explosion that blew the roof right off of the dairy? How ‘bout the story of the Canadians that rescued a shark that was choking on a moose? What’s weird is the reports, in both cases, that just before the calamity ensued, friends heard the phrases “watch this” and “hold my beer.”

The American Cancer Society is bringing Relay for Life to Silverton this summer. If you or someone you know has been affected by this terrible disease (I’m thinkin’ that means pretty much everybody) then get involved. There will be a kick off meeting on Feb. 26, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Education Building at The Oregon Garden. For information, call 541-285-8405.

Do you ever see videos of some guy making one of those amazing long distance basketball shots and thought that could never happen? Well it can, and a couple of weeks ago it did right here in Silverton when Silverton High senior Ian Sucich won a raffle for the opportunity to shoot a bucket from half court… and he drained it. Local Country Financial agent Brent Satern who sponsors the contest which benefits the Silverton Youth Basketball Association awarded the $500 prize split between junior Cole Chandler, who bought the ticket, and  Ian for making the amazing shot.

Its’ time once again to dust off your dirndl, line up your lederhosen and enjoy the best of the wurst at the Mount Angel Wurstfest on Feb. 28 and March 1. The festival is your last chance to party before the austerity of Lent. Break out your best costumes on Saturday night for the celebration of Fasching (German Mardi Gras) and enjoy 15 varieties of wurst (sausage), German beer, lots of music and dancing by the ever popular Kleinstadtiers and Fleckenstiners (if there is enough beer, TheManstadtiners may even make a rare appearance.)  See you on the street…..

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