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The Old Curmudgeon: Magical night – Jazz, dance

By Vern Holmquist

Well, it was one of those nights. My friend, Gregg, was kind enough to take me on a shopping trip, we topped it off with a nice Chinese meal and a toddy and parted ways. Then, I remembered that Sunday night I often enjoy the jazz jam session at Mac’s Place on Water Street in Silverton.

Now the reason I find this music so great is that these musicians do not come to Mac’s to play for me or you. They came to play for their own enjoyment, playing their heart and soul out – each testing their musical skills against the others and each seeking and receiving the approval of their peers. And those wonderful moments when all on the stage find themselves in the same groove, it’s magical, and all smiling. I called Gregg to join me.

Jazz is innovation, one’s own interpretation of what goes into the musical frame. It is freedom when it fits so wonderfully. If the tune is played exactly the same way every time it ceases to be jazz. I’ve enjoyed listening to great jazz most of my life. I don’t like it when an audience does not know what to listen for or is unable to catch the groove or the magic.

Now for the topper of the evening. There was this drop-dead beautiful lady sitting near me listening and in groove with the music. We chatted a bit. When I had the chance I told one of the musicians how I did not end up as a musician but opted to learn to dance and I sometimes think I am the only man alive who remembers how to waltz. The next thing I knew the band was playing ¾ time, the beautiful lady was in my arms and we waltzed. I thanked the lady, tipped and thanked the musicians, got on my scooter and made it home. Wow! What an ending to a great day.

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