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The Old Curmudgeon: Who is buying your vote?

By Vern Holmquist

I’ve been sitting here kicking myself for telling myself money is not the most important thing in my life.

I guess I just did not realize what money can buy. And if you have been watching the news, you can see it buys a lot – like an election.

I still don’t believe money is necessary to buy happiness, but maybe that’s because I never had a deep desire to buy things such things as politicians and government policies that would monetarily benefit me personally with total disregard for the  economic stability of our country. Is there anyone out there concerned with our country’s welfare? Future? Or just people concerned about creating or influencing policies that benefit their bottom line?

Well, I probably would not have become a billionaire anyway, but it scares the hell out of me to know our beloved country is for sale to the highest bidder.

Just take a look around and see how elections are being won by the person with the most money, not always the best interest in our country’s future. Want proof? Look at what happened in Wisconsin. Although I spent time there, I would never want to live there again.

Judging by the amount of money each party is spending on television and newspaper advertisements plus the money they hand over to the members of Congress who will vote as told, the parties should just hand out that money to the voters who would in turn promise to vote their way.

Now, I am not a math expert but it seems to me the amount would run maybe $50 or more and whichever party offered me that amount I would vote their way regardless of whether their policies were good for the country or just good for the party buying my vote, especially if the offer came during those days just before my Social Security check arrived in the mail.

On second thought, maybe this would not be a good idea because of what we here in this country love the most – FREEDOM – and what else we might be selling – JUSTICE FOR ALL.

Your vote is priceless.

Before you cast it this fall, be informed whom you are voting for; why you are voting for that person and if that person’s policies will benefit you and the nation.

Too often people vote against their own economic interest.

This is not the time for party line voting.

Be informed before you cast your vote.

Think about what your vote means.

On an entirely different note, after an unexpected delay, Hinsdale Wine Cellars will soon be open in it it’s new location.

Howard’s is one of my favorite places for light dining, pleasant conversation, wine tasting, cheese nibbling and oh how the His Steinway Concert Grand piano will be on center stage at the new location and there will be patio dining right over the creek as a super bonus. All just in time for a glass of wine or brew or cocktail to enjoy on a summer’s day.

And one more thing, I am always surprised when people stop me at the grocery store or other places, to share what they thought about my column. It amazes me.

And due to my managing editor’s inability to shoehorn-in everything, my column wasn’t in the last two papers and people were concerned. I am still writing and am eager to share my own Homer story in the Aug. 1 paper. Looking forward to seeing you at Homer Days, First Friday and the Silverton Art Festival and other events.

Just be sure to say hello.

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