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The Old Curmudgeon: Street scenes

By Vern Holmquist

It is about five years old and a landmark that defines Mount Angel – the Glockenspiel. Nothing puts its stamp on tourists’ memories more. It is a rare day to be near the corner of Charles and Garfield and not find a small crowd standing – no matter the weather – to watch and listen to the mechanical marvel share the story of the founding Mount Angel.

The Glockenspiel not only marks the town’s history but is a show piece for the fine restaurant below, named The Glockenspiel, of course. The restaurant is the dream of owner Mary Grant fulfilled. The restaurant is authentic both in its menu and its décor. You feel you have been transported to the heart of Bavaria. That’s not by accident, but the result of the Grants visiting fine restaurants in Germany and learning about Bavaria cuisine.  If you haven’t been put it on the “To Do” list.

I love the reaction I get from visitors to Mount Angel standing watching the Glockenspiel perform when I tell them a true story. One day I parked my scooter in front of Mount Angel City Hall and was surprised by the flashing red lights of a rescue unit and an ambulance blocking the street. As I looked for a reason for all the commotion, I saw bodies wrapped in blankets laying on the sidewalk the entire length of The Glockenspiel Restaurant. I hesitate for a moment and then explain the Glockenspiel was under repair. The carved wooden sculptures were wrapped like mummies and set out of the way. It was just a coincidence that a resident in one of the upstairs apartments was in distress and the reason for the flashing lights. The restaurant and the Glockenspiel are fine reminders of the proud heritage of Mount Angel’s founders.

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