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Now open: Silverton’s all-abilities park finally ready to welcome kids

By James Day

The all-abilities playground in Silverton’s Old Mill Park has opened.

The playground features multiple wheelchair-accessible amenities, strength-building components and musical elements and aims to foster use by as broad a group of users as possible. It also includes a rubber-like surface that makes it safer for all users.

Mayor Jason Freilinger noted at the June 3 City Council meeting that it was a “soft opening” because not all of the features are ready to use. The swings and chains still need to be added to the swing set. A recent work party took down the plastic fence that was surrounding the site and also installed the teeter-totter.

“It is safe,” Freilinger said of the playground. “You can go down to the park and use it.”

The construction of the facility, which originally was set to open last August for the Homer Davenport Community Festival and the Silverton Arts Festival, suffered some bad luck. 

First there were delays in installing the special ADA-accessible surface. Certain temperature and rainfall parameters had to be met for a successful installation. That proved to be a challenge because of Oregon weather patterns. The surface was finally set a few weeks ago, but suffered damaged from vandals.

The playground was a joint effort of the City of Silverton and the Silverton Rotary Club.  Its $380,000 cost was paid for by city parks system development charges, community donations, Rotary fundraising and urban renewal funds.

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