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Man About Town: Anyone seen my sanity? – It was here a minute ago…

By Jim Kinghorn

Breaking News – Silverton Hospital has just announced it has won an Oscar for the best supporting cast in a small community…….OK, maybe I made that up but jeeze, are there any other awards left for these masters of medicine to win? Your buddies on the bluff have picked up another Summit award – one of only two hospitals in the entire Northwest to be recognized for exemplary customer service … and they have won the award three years in a row. The Man says bravo to our pillars of patient care.

Also on the medical front comes news that Dr. Michael Wicks will retire after 36 years of serving the community. Wow, 36 years. That’s looking down a lot of sore throats, fixing cuts and scrapes and broken bones, curing sniffles and coughs, saying things like “this won’t hurt a bit” and pulling on that rubber glove with a resounding snap… (oh, forget that last part). The point is we entrust our well being in our doctors and it must be satisfying at the end of a long career to know that you have touched the lives of so many people. Join The Man in wishing the good doctor a long and happy retirement.

O Christmas pole! O Christmas pole! Thy candles shine so brightly!… Come on now. Mount Angel puts on the greatest and best run festival in the Northwest. Surely it can come up with a real tree more in keeping with it’s authentic German heritage…

Celia Bodelia of the Purl District reports that she has opened a mini boutique in her store that features hand-knitted garments and accessories just in time for Christmas. The Man says “Don’t be a twit, give a gift from someone who knit(s)”… Also opening is The Gathering Spot on First Street. Owner Anna Kuzmin is chomping at the bit to put all of her shiny new equipment to good use cooking up delectable delights of dining deliciousness… (The Man is awash in alliteration.)

The Man’s quote of the month: “A lot of people are afraid of heights – not me, I’m afraid of widths” – Steven Wright

Vince Till, Silverton Mural SocietyAstronomers recently found a new black hole that is sucking up everything in sight and has already eaten the equivalent of the earth in mass. On a cosmic scale the mass of the earth is not an awful lot to eat, but from the earth’s point of view, it’s kind of awesome, said NASA astrophysicist Kimberly Weaver. The Man bets that when they look closer into what’s been sucked into the violent supernova they will find the US economy, my car keys, political civility, my two dozen socks whose mates have disappeared, your dignity at the airport, the TV remote, common sense and the Beavers’ hopes for a bowl game (right, Ken?)

The Man thought he had caught this guy stealing flowers but it turns out Vince Till has obviously not grasped the meaning of the term “retirement.”

The Man wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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Gathering Spot: Family-friendly restaurant to feature local, seasonal food

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