The city of Silverton was accepting bids through March 3 for the “overlook” project, which will repair a washed-out section of pathway along Silver Creek near the library.
In 2015 during high flows of Silver Creek the old wall from an abandoned mill was damaged and the city closed the area. In the summer of 2015 the city demolished the remaining wall and other damaged structures and stabilized the slope.
In 2018 the city completed a new design for the area that featured decorative concrete and fencing and a retaining wall, but the low bid was $45,000 more than the city estimate of $69,000 so the city decided not to move forward with the project, said city engineer Bart Stepp.
The project has been re-designed and will include a lawn, groundcover plantings, drainage improvements, a concrete masonry block wall and chain link fencing and carry a budget of approximately $30,000.
City general funds will pay for the project.
No date was available on when it might be completed.
– James Day