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The Ol’ Curmudgeon: Night to Remember

Oh, what a night to remember. It was a night New York would be proud to claim and it happened right here in the Wine Cellar. Yes, it was that good – the music of Cole Porter and Hoagy Carmichael, the great and remembered one. Marilyn Keller sang each song as if it belonged to her, no note too high […]

Forum: We look toward to the future

To the Editor: The elections are over and we all draw a collective sigh of relief that the negative ads and television commercials ended. Now the real work begins for our national and local officials. To our local candidates, you are to be admired for your willingness to serve your communities. Joy to the winners; disappointment to the losers. And […]

A Grin at the End: Is anybody out there listening?

So, who did you vote for? Was it Barack Obiden or John McPalin? I have to say, I was tempted to withhold my vote this year. Either that, or I should have voted for my cat, Eddy. At least I expect him to ignore me.