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People Out Loud: Joys of a dad

Father’s Day is upon us, and I think it prudent to call it Father’s Week, or Dad’s Month. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Let us paternal types milk it for all its worth. It can be a tough job.

People Out Loud: It is tough getting old

In April, I sent the managing editor my column with little time to spare as usual, wanting her to be able to start formatting it and have the word count so it would fit in the next publication.

People Out Loud: Great people, great place

This town never ceases to amaze me. From celebrating cultures and kids dosey-doe-ing to tiny tots digging into their little wallets, we live in one special place.

People Out Loud: Our community having a ball…

Memories of Matthew Knight Court – Silverton’s sixth-ranked boys’ basketball team finished an incredible season, taking sixth place in the state 5A playoffs at the new and spectacular Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene.

People Out Loud: Don’t even try arguing…

There are things I simply know to be true. Not to be arrogant about it but they are inarguable. Here are my indisputable truths, subject to your own interpretations and beliefs. Although on these I am totally and completely correct.

People Out Loud: A thankful thank you

Fall is winding down with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Traditionally columnists share what they are thankful for, and while it pains me to be cliché, simply saying “thanks” has merit. Plus, originality can be overrated.

People Out Loud: The Meaning of America

When did we start being so mean? I remember in the 1970s when a woman scowled at me for opening the door for her, admonishing me for assuming she couldn’t do it herself. I thought that marked the period in our history when assertiveness morphed into meanness, and blamed it on women’s lib for putting a wooden stake in the heart of chivalry.

People Out Loud: Accentuate the positive

School has started. Football season has arrived. Our hour and a half of summer weather was spectacular. Now fall takes center stage. Negativity reigns nationally and locally if we let it. Let’s not.

People Out Loud: Good people

things with his Smart Phone (perhaps People are inundated with sad news, bad news, instant news, inconsequential news that goes instantaneously viral about somebody inconsequential like Paris Hilton. I make a motion that we take a break from the stupid congressman doing trashy we should program the Smart Phone to sound a piercing alarm when the owner does sometime stupid). The vote is unanimous – let’s focus on some good people.

People Out Loud: Smiles abound

Robert Frost Elementary School fourth-grade students Ally LeBouef and Emily Candee were moved by the March 11 devastation in Japan, hit with a triple whammy of an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. They organized a coin drive at the school and collected a whopping $292. In kid-speak, that equates to giving up about 150 ice cream cones.

People Out Loud: Personal ads

Wanted: New blood and young backs to help hawk sausages at Oktoberfest for the Silver Fox Foundation, teach kids and people with disabilities how to fish and take applications for low-income people seeking glasses or hearing aids from the Silverton Lions.

People Out Loud: Of irises and bluegrass

You can learn a lot about somebody on Facebook – it is like a portal into the person. Rick Ernst told it like it is. He was well-known for his letters to the editor espousing views you either thought were spot on or out of left field. Make that right field, since he wasn’t a big fan of anything on the left.

People Out Loud: Rivals unite – Teens grieve death of wrestler

Silverton is one remarkable town. Despite all the doom and gloom scenarios of teenagers developing carpal tunnel from text messaging, fighting addictions to Facebook and demonstrating a general malaise toward anything remotely resembling adults, I have never been more proud of my alma mater, its staff, and most importantly, its students.

People Out Loud: Keeping things cool

There’s a line from an old country song: “It’s my belief pride is the chief cause in the decline of husbands and wives.” I started to sing it in the shower though it has not entered my head in years.

People Out Loud: Paying it forward

What 7-year-old girl tells her parents she has enough toys? Kayden Eberle, a first-grader in Jan Bothum’s class at Eugene Field, is such a kid. Her coed birthday party was fun, for sure, as nine friends enjoyed bowling at Silver Creek Lanes.