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Clearing the air: Bars, bowling alleys adjust to ‘no smoking’ regulation

  By Kathy Cook Hunter To some people, it’s a bummer. To others, it’s a benefit. “It” is the Oregon Indoor Clean-Air Act, known as the smoke-free workplace law.  All indoor workplaces are now required to post a decal at doorways and employee entrances stating, “No smoking within 10 feet” and giving further explanation of the law, which also restricts […]

Towne House: It’s like coming home

Glance over the Towne House Restaurant & Lounge menu, and you’ll notice right away an emphasis on plain ol’ American food. Towne House is known for its huge array of sandwiches, burgers, steaks, chicken and seafood, as well as its farm-style breakfasts. There’s something here for nearly everyone.