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Stacey Harker at the Pre-Incan Ruins in Ecuador -- Submitted Photo

Broadening the mind – STEM Europe 2025 tour open for registration

By Melissa Wagoner Travel isn’t just about going somewhere new. It can also be a way of learning about science, technology, engineering and mathematics – commonly referred to as STEM – in an entirely new way. “I want students to have the opportunity to engage in hands-on interactive STEM activities at significant locations around the world, where they learn first-hand about topics […]

Communication explanation: To text or twitter, that is the question

To borrow a phrase from the upcoming Northwest Travel Writer’s Conference, it is a Blackberry, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, iPhone world. If you still cling to fond memories of the old party-line telephone, you may not be ready for it. If you have already discovered any of these ways to communicate with friends, family and business associates, you are already on board. If you are not quite sure what the terms mean, read on.