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This is only a drill: Silverton officers work on preventing tragedies

By James Day Silverton Police Chief Jim Angelmier, the reporter and City Manager Ron Chandler were lined up against the wall of a classroom wing at Silverton High School. In front of them a heavily armed active shooting suspect held a gun on a student hostage, played by a mannequin. A bell rang, eerily realistic screaming and shouting boomed through […]

Down to two: Police locations considered

By Kristine Thomas After much debate, the Silverton City Council has narrowed the choices for a new police station and city hall to two locations: either the former Square Deal Lumber property on Water Street or the Potter property on Lewis Street. The council is slated to make a selection at its Monday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. meeting. City councilors […]

Police move eyed: Silverton council discusses three possible sites

Silverton City Council Meets Monday, Aug. 4, 7 p.m. Silverton Community Center 421 S Water St. Agendas are available. Visit the city’s website at www.silverton.or.us The council will discuss and may decide on the location of a new police department and city hall. If you would like to voice your ideas, email City Manager Bob Willoughby at [email protected] or call […]

Bursting at the seams: Police evidence locker stuffed to capacity

By Brenna Wiegand Making arrests and seizing evidence is a triumph – and a burden that can leave police holding the bag – literally. Unlike suspects, evidence lingers at the police station for months or even years. It must be cataloged, packaged and securely stored until the gavel comes down and the case is closed. “We’ve outgrown our space so […]

The next step: Capt. Jeff Fossholm prepares to lead Silverton Police Department

Capt. Jeff Fossholm of the Silverton Police Department will be sworn in as police chief Aug. 3. He replaces Rick Lewis, who retires Aug. 2. Fossholm, a 25-year Silverton Police Department veteran, has deep roots in Silverton. His great-grandparents got the ball rolling when they migrated from Norway to North Dakota.