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Update: Failing pieces – Unexpected repairs impact budget, emergencies threaten safety

Editor’s note: Our Town is presenting a school-by-school review of the facility challenges at each building covered by the Silver Falls School District bond proposal on the Nov. 7 ballot. For previous stories go to ourtownlive.com.  By Stephen Floyd Mark Twain and Robert Frost elementary schools both recently had extreme examples of building failures during the start of a school […]

Solid ground – Robert Frost Elementary regroups

By Melissa Wagoner After nine administrators in only three years, the staff and students at Robert Frost Elementary School are looking forward to some much-needed stability.  “I’ve never seen a situation like that,” Jamie McCarty – the school’s new principal – said of the unprecedented turnover rate. “The staff is really looking for consistency and normalcy.” But first new policies […]

Robert Frost holds Drive By Goodbye

Jill Heuberger and Kathleen Kelley are retiring from teaching at Robert Frost Elementary School. To honor and thank them for their years as colleagues, leaders, friends, mentors and teachers, the Robert Frost community is holding a Drive By Retirement Party Monday, June 14, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in front of the school, 201 Westfield St., Silverton. Everyone is welcome to drive […]