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Space! Doctors excited about new clinic

By Rachel Bucci Mount Angel Family Medicine Opening ceremony, 250 W. Marquam Thursday, April 14, 3 – 7 p.m. Ribbon cutting 3:30 p.m. Tours, music, art show Mount Angel Family Medicine is bursting at the seams. With five healthcare providers and only three exam rooms, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure the numbers don’t add up. A growing […]

Gathering Spot: Family-friendly restaurant to feature local, seasonal food

On a Friday afternoon in December, saws buzzed and hammers rung out at The Gathering Spot in downtown Silverton. A worker guided a saw across a stainless steel countertop in a haze of sparks, trimming the soon-to-be espresso bar. The new kitchen was a jumble of appliances, some still wrapped in plastic, including an industrial mixer that wll soon churn pastry dough and crepe batter.

Service sells: Business owners share success strategy

With the economy chugging along, Suzie Couraud, owner of Silverton’s downtown boutique Pomegranate, said the biggest difference she notices in her customers is they are not spending as readily as they once did.

Date change triggers outcry: Davenport Days moves to July

The announcement that the Homer Davenport Days festival is moving from its traditional first weekend in August to July 15-17 in 2011 was greeted by surprise and concern by a number of citizens and community groups in Silverton.