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Summer brewin’: BrewCamp offers fun for grown-ups, families

Craft brew fans familiar with the Oregon Garden Brewfest will discover a lot that’s new at the Oregon Garden BrewCamp June 15-17. BrewCamp is a new take on the Father’s Day weekend experience at the garden.There’s more activities – from yoga on the Garden Green to late-night campfire jams; more entertainment – with stages both in the Forest and the Meadow; […]

New date: Oregon Garden Brewfest adds new features to popular festival

By James Day There is a whole hop load of new at this year’s Oregon Garden Brewfest. The Silverton suds fest, in its 11th year, moved from its usual late April slot to Father’s Day weekend. The event now offers a third tent with free shuffleboard and other games, and the Father’s Day move allows The Oregon Garden to work […]

Heart in the art: Brewers share a passion for their craft

By James Day So how do you get noticed in a microbrew world in which another brewer seems to sprout up daily behind the nearest hop pole? How do you acquire space on the shelves or taps in the taverns when everyone else is clamoring for the same thing? And where do festivals such as The Oregon Garden Brewfest, which […]