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Looking forward: Marquam Hill Vineyard undergoes name change, face lift

Brothers Phil and Tony Kramer, new owners of Marquam Hill Vineyard and Winery, are hoping to finish massive tasting room and grounds renovations in time for an early fall opening. Since May, the brothers have been restoring and refinishing the original siding and adding a new roof on the house, rebuilding its tasting room and landscaping multiple areas for future event space.

Wetlands work: SPRout seeks volunteers to help build interpretive trail

Ingrid Evjen-Elias understands some people may drive by the entrance of The Oregon Garden and wonder why something hasn’t been done to make the 13-acre area more attractive.

An assistant for SPROut – or the Sustainable Plant Research and Outreach Center – Evjen-Elias has spent many hours working in the Garden’s lower wetlands.

“This is such a lovely area,” she said on a recent September morning. “It’s a peaceful and quiet spot.”

Speaking out: Councilors’ wives decry lack of civility in public discourse

By Kristine Thomas Three women say they remained silent for several months while many Mt. Angel residents attacked their husbands – City Councilors Mike Donohue, Ray Eder and Rick Schiedler. Jan Donohue, Patti Eder and Cindy Schiedler understand criticism comes with the territory. The tipping point leading them to request an interview with Our Town came when the attacks were […]

Stress fractures: Differing views of city councilor’s role

By Kristine Thomas “The council is under stress,” wrote Mt. Angel Mayor Tom Bauman in an email to city attorney Paul Elsner on April 4. “The sooner they recognize the role of policy maker and what are administrative roles the better.” “Staff is placed in very difficult situations with the recent request for information,” he wrote. “Isn’t the contract with […]

Shelter from the storm: St. Joseph Shelter marks 20 years of giving

By Kristine Thomas Sister Terry Hall remembers – at first there were five to eight migrant farm workers seeking a meal from the Benedictine Sisters at the Queen of Angels Monastery in Mt. Angel in the winter months of 1988. Then, the number grew to 28 to 35 people, jumped to 49 to 65 people, and by May, there were […]

Job on the line: Mt. Angel administrator says he wants to stay

By Kristine Thomas Mt. Angel City Administrator Jim Hunt knows his job is on the line. Less than a year ago he was the city council’s unanimous selection for city administrator. On Aug. 25 the Mt. Angel City Council called a special meeting centered on a motion to terminate his contract. It was defeated 4-3. Councilors Mike Donohue, Ray Eder […]

Schools fail to achieve benchmarks

By Kristine Thomas If a physical education teacher places the high-jump bar at 2 feet, it’s likely the majority of his high school students will clear it. As the teacher raises the bar higher, the number of students able to clear it is likely to decrease. The recent release of the 2007-08 preliminary federal ratings under No Child Left Behind […]

Director resigns, changes afoot for Silverton Together

By Kristine Thomas The resignation of Silverton Together’s director has led to the cancellation of August’s annual Celebrate Families Picnic. Director O.B. Bergin, who announced earlier this month her last day would be July 25, is leaving to pursue “other professional opportunities.” Interested in helping? To find out about organizing the Celebrate Families picnic call Silverton Together, 503-873-0405 Her departure, […]

Auxiliary fulfills role as ambassador between hospital and community

By Kristine Thomas They raise money to buy equipment for Silverton Hospital and sew anatomy dolls for children who are having surgery. They plan and host fundraisers. They greet visitors and patients at the hospital, manage the gift shop and espresso bar, and award scholarships to students pursuing medical careers. And that’s only a snippet of the volunteer work done […]

Saving money

By Kristine Thomas Marilyn Brenden knows gas prices are soaring higher than ever. She has watched the cost of basic food supplies such as bread, milk and eggs continue to increase each week. Brenden, 59, who lives with her mother, Lillian Brenden, 92, doesn’t waste her time worrying – instead she uses it to discover ways to save money The […]