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A spiritual experience: Space for thoughts about one’s place

By Winnie BoltonWinnie Bolton

Our Town is a multi-community newspaper disseminating announcements of local classes, occurrences of events, opinions, business news, celebrations, a refreshing perspective of “just us folks who happen to work, live, play and die here.”

But, Our Town is more than an informative newspaper with its fun-to-read columns and positive approach. Simply put, it is a secular newspaper that relinquishes space for a column espousing soul talk – a delight in the world of negativism. How many local newspapers have the wisdom to incorporate a spiritual search into our higher beings?

Churches need not be the only expression of deep meaningful feelings that connect one soul to another. What about those souls who have no formal church? Nor care to?

What are our lives about but questioning why we’re here from an early age on; recognizing its difficulties, pleasures, fears and gratitude?

When I awake each morning my first thoughts are “Well Lord, what have you got for me today?” and always adding “Please don’t make it too hard as I’m such a goof-off.”

There’s a hymn called Servant’s Song which expresses so much better than any words I could attempt to create. It expresses our dependence on a power greater than our own limited selves because life is our mysterious path, which supplies extraordinary opportunities to help ourselves by helping others.

Spirited soul-searching is a commodity that doesn’t sell in this 24/7 world of ours, yet we are so hungry to connect with one another.

Down deep, our souls yearn for love.

These is some of the Servant’s Song –

“What do you want of me, Lord?

Where do you want me to serve you?

Where can I sing your praises?

I hear you call my name, Lord, and I am moved within.

Your spirit stirs my deepest self; it burns deep within.

Above, below and around me, before, behind and all through me, your Spirit sings of love for me.

You are the light in my darkness.

You are my strength when I’m weary.

You give me sight when I’m blinded.

Lord, you are the way.

Guide me along life’s path.”

I would like to add here a personal note of heartfelt thankfulness to the editor and staff of Our Town for the overall excellence that has created a joyful respect from its happy readers for the past five years.

A belated “happy anniversary.”

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