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Practice perfect – Oktoberfest Dance Troupe gears up for another year

By Melissa Wagoner

When it comes to the Oktoberfest Dance Troupe, getting kids involved is the main priority.

“[The Troupe] gives them ownership in the festival,” manager Kelly Grassman explained. “It teaches them about volunteering, giving of their time and doing something for others.”

Created by a small group of women in 1990 the O’Fest Dance Troupe has grown exponentially during the past 33 years from 54 girls and boys performing the Weaver’s Dance and the Chicken Dance to more than 400 dancers putting on an hour-long performance twice a day for three days.

“Our choreography is done by our coaches, and music is generally chosen by the coach with input from the whole team…” Grassman said of the current performance protocol.

It’s a lot of work, with coaches volunteering eight months out of the year and holding rehearsals an additional 144 hours each summer and fall. 

And then there are the costumes.

“[C]ostuming is a very large piece of our program, and Marilyn Hall houses and maintains our 1,000-plus piece costume wardrobe,” Grassman said. “This is a very large undertaking, and she spends hundreds of hours from June to September just fitting costumes to people. It is really very amazing… How she does, the costuming is honestly miraculous!”

What’s also extraordinary is that the entire program is free to anyone who wants to participate.

“Our collective goal is to make sure that anyone who wants to dance can,” Grassman said. “There is no cost to be a part of this program. If you need a costume, shoes, socks, a hat, flower head wreath, etc., it is provided to you at no cost.”

And it’s fun.

“Every year I have people come up to me and thank me because they come just to see us dance, it is the highlight of their visit to the festival,” Grassman said. “That makes my heart so happy. And to see the smiles on everyone’s faces is the realization that what we do spreads so much joy!”

But none of it would happen without a big group of volunteers including coaches, assistant coaches, the performance crew and of course costumer extraordinaire, Marilyn Hall.

“Without these people being willing to volunteer their time and effort, this program wouldn’t exist,” Grassman said. “The group of people… my team, are very special people. I have an immense amount of gratitude for the sacrifices that they make to ensure that this program continues. They wouldn’t call it a sacrifice; they would call it ‘doing something they love.’ But it doesn’t change the fact that they give up other things to do this. I will forever be amazed and have huge gratitude for all of the time and effort they freely give. In a world that tells us people are selfish… I see a lot of caring, compassion, and love. That is something I am proud to be a part of!”

Oktoberfest Dance Troupe

Oktoberfest Village Bandstand Thursday, Friday and Saturday, noon and 6 p.m.; Sunday noon and 3 p.m. 

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