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Man About Town: Reliable me – A trusted newsman

By Jim Kinghorn

As reported in my esteemed column last month, Mario Montiel opened his new Edward Jones office in Silverton. Of course, life moves pretty fast and Mario got an unexpected opportunity to take over an established office in Keizer, an offer he couldn’t refuse. Soooo, welcome Brynie Robinson (you might remember his dad, Robbie, former SHS football coach) back to Silverton to fill Mario’s shoes.

On the heels of the backyard chickens debate comes word carpenter extraordinaire Pete Schmidt who was recently attacked by a backyard pheasant at a jobsite. The foul fowl even drew blood which goes to show that a bird in the hand is definitely worth more, but only if those hands are around
its neck.

A new sign has been erected on South Water Street marking the location of the 45th parallel which as you know (you do know don’t you?) is the half-way point between the North Pole and the equator. The Man isn’t sure about the 45th thing but I have always thought Silverton was in a parallel universe.

The shiny new Silverton Senior Center has opened to well-deserved rave reviews. The new hangout will provide a safe environment for seniors to recreate and connect with kids their own age. The shreddin’ seniors just can’t wait for the skate park to be finished.

Now that uber volunteer and city councilor Judy Schmidt has thrown her hat into the Silverton mayor’s race along with current Mayor Stu Rasmussen and fellow city councilor Kyle Palmer, we have got ourselves a horse race come November. The Man looks forward to some spirited debates as the candidates attempt to convince you that they are the best choice to lead the town forward.

As The Man walked The Pup around the Homer Days Parade and through the gathered masses at the park, the thought occurred to me how glad I am that we humans don’t feel compelled to greet each other by smelling each other’s rear ends. I mean, think about it, you see an old friend and it’s “Hey Bob, how have you been, how’s the wife and kids”, sniff, sniff, “Man, what have you been eatin?!?” ….. Am I the only one that thinks about this stuff? ………. Anyone?

So you think you can dance? No, of course you can’t but that won’t stop you from participating in the DO-RE-MI dance at this years Oktoberfest. The flyer says to keep it on the down low so I will whisper ……Contact Nann Fleck at 503-845-6207 for more info. Practices are at 7 p.m. Aug. 15, 23, 29 and Sept. 5 & 12.

Amy White has moved her Olde Towne Flower Shop to 303 James St. (behind Almquist Studios) and re-opened as 3 Stems Flowers by Design. You can call Amy for all of your floral or event planning needs at 503-873-5115.

Didja happen to see the hack job that KATU did on poor old dyin’ Silverton? I mean, come on, you can find empty storefronts in every city and town in the country but they would have you believe that the struggling economy has somehow focused itself on our humble piece of the world. Unfortunately what passes as a journalism these days is to blow into a town that you know nothing about, gather a few out of context quotes and bam, you got yourself a story. Luckily, you have The Man to give the straight story and I know of several positive things in the works that out-of-town “reporters” don’t know about. Of course if I told you about them now, I’d have to kill you…..and if I had to kill all of you then there wouldn’t anyone left to read this……of course, then maybe I could get a flippin’ vacation once in a while……But if I took a vacation, then where would you get your news…….Hmmmmm…..

See you on the street……

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